Physics of space-time, introduction and summary
Intro.1. The map and the area
An important task for physics is to map the area. This map, like every map,
is abstract and mathematical. Maps are very useful. However, the map is not the
On the map one can picture static things and their forms, but not the dynamical
relations that play between the things. Relations play in the emptiness, are no
things. Relations also are invisible, only the partners are visible, or the
impressions of relations. These relations can only be experienced in the real

Compare it with music. Even the most beautiful melody can be described as
only a number of figures, figures for the frequency of tones, the duration of
tones and pauses, the loudness or amplitude of the waves and the like. Input of
these figures in a computer can recreate the music completely. Is music only
Understanding these figures does no involve understanding the music. And the
other way around, a musical person does not need to know these figures. Music
plays in the relations between the tones, like time plays between the measured
points of time.
Understanding then is feeling, speechless feeling.
This essay is no mathematics. But it is no music either. It is about the
interpretation of the map, the relation between map and area, which also is the
relation between subject and object or mind and body.
I think the real problem of nowadays physics is not lain in a lack of knowledge
of facts. We can build ever bigger particle accelerators and then measure ever
more figures. But these figures alone will never reveal us the real secrets of reality, I believe.
According to me, these secrets are hidden in the relations between the
measurable facts, which relations only can be felt. The field of light is such
a relating phenomenon. Our act of measuring and even our act of understanding
are such relational phenomena as well.
Intro.2. Summary
In the relational view at human and reality (see the Relational philosophy
on this website) the immaterial relations appear to be really fundamentally
important. Do we think away these in emptiness playing relations, then the
things and parts in our reality lose all significance, even their size, mass
and border.
The field of light is the ultimate relating phenomenon in nature. "In the
beginning there was light" therefore is the title of chapter III.6 of the
relational philosophy.
Physics of space-time goes into that electromagnetic phenomenon of light more
Part I is about distance. With distance we always mean space and time in one,
space taking time. By seeing the difference between length and distance, we can
shed a more clear light on for example both relativity theories. That is the
subject of part I of physics of space-time.
Light, in particular the speed of light, is expressed in terms of space per
time, meters per second. And since our finite light is the fundament of whole reality , physics
must be able to describe reality in terms of only meters and seconds, and
numbers or figures of course.
Standards like the gram and the coulomb then are superfluous, and that is the
subject of part II of physics of space-time.

Reality then is geometry, mathematics, as far as the quantity is
Jan Helderman
end 1999 - beginning 2000